A girl named Sophie encounters the Big Friendly Giant who, despite his intimidating appearance, turns out to be a kindhearted soul who is considered an outcast by the other giants because, unlike them, he refuses to eat children.
Storyline: Ten-year-old Sophie is in for the adventure of a lifetime when she meets the Big Friendly Giant. Naturally scared at first, the young girl soon realizes that the 24-foot behemoth is actually quite gentle and charming. As their friendship grows, Sophie's presence attracts the unwanted attention of Bloodbottler, Fleshlumpeater and other giants. After traveling to London, Sophie and the BFG must convince Queen Elizabeth to help them get rid of all the bad giants once and for all.
Official Sites: Official Facebook | Official Roald Dahl Website
Genres: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Country: UK | Canada | USA
Language: English
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writers: Melissa Mathison (screenplay), Roald Dahl (based on the book by)
Release Date: 1 July 2016 (USA)
Also Known As: Big Valley
Filming Locations: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada